hi! i'm fang (方) and welcome to my little corner of the internet. enjoy your stay! ♪
best viewed on desktop in firefox. not optimized for mobile yet, working on that i promise. the boxes are draggable as well!

hi! i'm fang (方) and welcome to my little corner of the internet. enjoy your stay! ♪
best viewed on desktop in firefox. not optimized for mobile yet, working on that i promise. the boxes are draggable as well!
NAME: fang pronounced "FAWNG" not "FAANG"
RACE: chinese
PRONOUNS: he/him
AGE: 22
GENDER & SEXUALITY: butch??? the qualifiers for this one were written in 2024 when i was deeply concerned about labels can you tell LMAO
my cool about me is: i'm trying to tone down the amount of information that exists about me on the internet. what you do get to know about me is that i am a big beautiful wuxia demon-warlock who can turn into a dragon. i was the guy who put dewclaws on cats. i'm also a middle school substitute art teacher who unfortunately thinks he's really funny & onto something, which probably explains a lot
if you're here from my biz card, hello! if you got here from an actual social media site, don't say anything. people can't know about my dorkass fanart
css by nonkiru
pixels from @8-BitSpider