hi! i'm fang (方) and welcome to my little corner of the internet. enjoy your stay! ♪

    best viewed on desktop in firefox. not optimized for mobile yet, working on that i promise. the boxes are draggable as well!


NAME: fang pronounced "FAWNG" not "FAANG"
RACE: chinese
PRONOUNS: he/him
AGE: 22
GENDER & SEXUALITY: butch??? the qualifiers for this one were written in 2024 when i was deeply concerned about labels can you tell LMAO

my cool about me is: i'm trying to tone down the amount of information that exists about me on the internet. what you do get to know about me is that i am a big beautiful wuxia demon-warlock who can turn into a dragon. i was the guy who put dewclaws on cats. i'm also a middle school substitute art teacher who unfortunately thinks he's really funny & onto something, which probably explains a lot



(03/03/25): changed links. (09/05/24): added journal. (05/03/24): began redesigning website. (01/19/24): changed some images around. (06/29/23): added text animations. (06/28/23): updated portfolio. (06/28/23): added links & an abt. (05/01/23): added a page for projects. (05/02/23): updated homepage. (06/28/23): site created!


css by nonkiru

pixels from @8-BitSpider

everything else is mine

except for the wizard cat. figure it out